Public Notice Distribution List

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Tag: chesapeake bay
  • NAO-PLANNING-09-02-2016

    Expiration date: 10/11/2016

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District, has signed a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) on May 17, 2016 for the project titled, Chesapeake Bay Native Oyster Restoration, Piankatank River, Virginia. The purpose of this project is to construct new reef habitat and rehabilitate existing reef habitat in the lower Piankatank River in Middlesex and Matthews counties that closely resemble natural conditions, in terms of structure and function, in a technically and economically sound manner.

  • NAO-2016-01096

    Expiration date: 9/15/2016

    The proposed project is intended to increase capacity, eliminate roadway deficiencies, and improve safety along 1-64. This is the second segment (Segment II – approximately 7 miles) of a 75 mile section of I-64 that was evaluated with a Final Environmental Impact Statement conducted in 2013. Public comment period ends Sept. 15, 2016.

  • NAO-2014-0896

    Expiration date: 10/28/2015

    The city of Norfolk has proposed the mechanical dredging of approximately 55 acres of Mason Creek, from existing depths of 2.3 feet to dredge cut elevations of -4.5 feet to -3.5 feet. Approximately 165,000 cubic yards of dredged material will be removed, loaded onto trucks at two upland transfer sites, and then trucked to an approved upland disposal facility. The primary purpose of the project is to improve water quality. Comment period ends Oct. 28, 2015.

  • NAO-2014-2195 Greenwood Park

    Expiration date: 4/14/2015

    Henrico County Department of Recreation and Parks proposes to construct a tournament quality sports park to be known as Greenwood Park. Public comment period ends April 14, 2015.

  • Chesapeake Bay Native Oyster Restoration Project, Piankatank River Public Meeting

    Expiration date: 3/18/2015

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers invites the community to attend a public meeting Tuesday, March 17, to learn more about the Chesapeake Bay Native Oyster Restoration Project, Piankatank River, Draft Environmental Assessment.