Public Notice Distribution List

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Tag: historic resources
  • NAO2018-02108 (Commons Road (SR606), King William, Virginia)

    Expiration date: 12/23/2022

    Kennington Place, LLC proposes to construct Section 2B of a residential development. The project would include the construction of 60 lots, roads, and associated utilities. The Corps has determined that the proposed federal action would result in an adverse effect on site 44KW0334.

  • NAO-2009-5001

    Expiration date: 8/6/2021

    Lyon Shipyard proposes dredging and the construction of a travel lift and piers in Norfolk, Virginia, on the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River, with a public comment period ending Aug. 6.

  • NAO-2016-00318 / 20-V1934

    Expiration date: 3/6/2021

    The applicant proposes the installation of approximately 4,300 linear feet of living shoreline along the Carter's Grove waterfront, in two separate segments. In total the project is comprised of 12 free-standing, offshore, armor stone breakwaters and 78,000 cubic yards of sand fill to create 108,754 square feet of stable, sandy, intertidal shoreline and 285,595 square feet of vegetated backshore.

  • NAO-2016-1269

    Expiration date: 12/23/2020

    This proposal will require a department of the Army permit to fill and pipe 1,036 linear feet (0.10 acre) of an existing drainage ditch to construct a mixed-use development of multi-family residential units and office space with attendant roadways, parking and open space.

  • NAO-2018-00628

    Expiration date: 9/24/2020

    Red Rock Development group proposes to impact 0.74 acres of wetlands and 116 linear feet of intermittent stream channel in order to construct a three-unit warehouse and distribution facility and associated infrastructure.