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Tag: Horsepen Run
  • NAO-2020-01573 (DWC Holdings, Loudoun, Virginia)

    Expiration date: 12/21/2022

    DWC Holdings, LLC is proposing Phase I of the proposed Rivana at Innovation Station project to construct a mixed-use development providing a walkable urban center connecting to a future Metro station in Loudoun County, Virginia. Phase I will include with 250,000 square feet of office space, 2,000 residential units, a 265-room hotel, and communal open space. Phase II of the project includes 1,185 linear feet of stream restoration associated with a tributary of Horsepen Run within the western portion of the project area. The project is located northeast and adjacent to the Dulles Greenway (State Routes 267) and Sully Road (Route 28) interchange and is bounded to the north and southeast by Innovation Avenue; the former Innovation Avenue currently bisects the study area in Loudoun County, Virginia.
  • NAO-2006-07425

    Expiration date: 5/13/2020

    BCG JV Sterling LLC proposes to construct two datacenters, a substation and associated infrastructure near Dulles International Airport in Loudoun County, Virginia.

  • NAO-2007-02005

    Expiration date: 4/27/2019

    Horsepen Run, LLC stated purpose is to provide housing for a growing area in Fairfax County on the 68 acre site known as Foster’s Glen. The project will impact 1.78 acres of palustrine emergent wetlands (PEM), 0.02 acres of palustrine forested wetlands (PFO), 0.49 acres of palustrine open water (POW) and 104 linear feet of stream channel. Temporary impacts associated with this development are 0.36 acre of PEM and 475 linear feet of stream channel for utility lines and the extension of Sunrise Valley Drive conspan bridge. The project is located in Horsepen Run a tributary to the Potomac River, at 13801 Frying Pan Road, Herndon, Virginia. (Parcel 024201001)

  • NAO-2011-1807

    Expiration date: 12/15/2016

    Chantilly Crushed Stone Inc. proposes to construct a mixed-use development and associated infrastructure on 333 acres east of the intersection of Sully Road (Route 28) and Old Ox Road (Route 606) in Loudoun County, Virginia. Comments are due December 15, 2016.

  • NAO-2014-1928

    Expiration date: 9/26/2016

    The applicant was authorized by permit number NAO-2014-01928 to reconstruct and widen Route 606 (Loudoun County Parkway/Old Ox Road) from the existing two lanes to four lanes, between Evergreen Mills Road (Route 621) and the Dulles Greenway (Route 267). The permittee proposes a modification to allow for work for the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) related to the previously authorized work, including work on NOAA property.