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Tag: Horsepen Run
  • NAO-2015-01390/16-V0996

    Expiration date: 8/15/2016

    NVR, Inc. proposes to construct a mixed-use residential and commercial development that will include townhomes, multi-family two-over-twos, condominiums, apartments, office space with retail and outdoor recreation space, and East-West Drive, a collector road to connect to the proposed Herndon Metro Station in Fairfax County, Virginia. Permanent impacts are to 1.96 acres of palustrine forested wetland (PFO) and 0.24 acre of palustrine emergent wetlands (PEM). Comment period ends August 15, 2016.

  • NAO-2014-1928 Rt 606 Dulles

    Expiration date: 4/17/2015

    NAO-2014-1928 Shirley Contracting, LLC: The applicant proposes to reconstruct and widen Route 606(Loudoun County Parkway/Old Ox Road) in Loudoun County from the existing two lanes to four lanes, between Evergreen Mills Road (Route 621) and the Dulles Greenway (Route 267), including several stormwater management facilities. The proposed work is a Design Build project with the Virginia Department of Transportation. The comment period ends on April 17, 2015.

  • NAO-2014-1381

    Expiration date: 8/25/2014

    Loudoun County Sanitation Authority proposes to construct two new underground wastewater transmission lines and their associated manholes (Horsepen Run Parallel Sewer and BRIPPI Phase V) to increase capacity to two existing transmission lines near the Dulles Greenway and Dulles International Airport in Loudoun County, Virginia. Comments are due by Aug. 25, 2014.