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Tag: Virginia Aquatic Resources Trust fund
  • CENAO-WRR, NAO-1995-08595 (Weyers Cave, Virginia)

    Expiration date: 10/6/2022

    PROPOSED WORK AND PURPOSE:  The Sponsor proposes to construct a 21-acre compensatory mitigation site to be known as the SH-7 Barlow Site (Project). The purpose of the Project is to restore non-tidal wetlands and stream channels, remove livestock, and restore upland buffers to provide off-site compensatory mitigation for projects that result in unavoidable impacts in the Shenandoah River Drainage Basin.  

  • Public notice: CENAO-WRR, NAO-1995-08595 (Exmore, Virginia)

    Expiration date: 10/6/2022

    WATERWAY AND LOCATION OF THE PROPOSED WORK:  The proposed compensatory mitigation site is located on 8.1 acres northeast of the town of Exmore, Virginia.   

  • NAO-1995-08595 (Meadow Creek)

    Expiration date: 4/4/2022

    The Nature Conservancy (Sponsor) proposes to modify the existing Virginia Aquatic Resources Trust Fund MJ-5 Meadow Creek Site (Site) by adding preserved and restored wetland credits to the Site. The project is located along Meadow Creek, in the City of Charlottesville, Virginia.
  • CENAO-WRR NAO-1995-08595 (Hazel River)

    Expiration date: 8/19/2021

    The proposed compensatory mitigation site (Site) is located west of the intersection of Ryland Chapel Road and Crookes Farm Road near Rixeyville in Culpeper County, Virginia.  

  • NAO-1995-08595

    Expiration date: 5/21/2021

    The Nature Conservancy, the Sponsor of the Virginia Aquatic Resources Trust Fund (VARTF), proposes to amend the “VARTF 2019 Amended and Restated Program Instrument” by replacing their 2009 Compensation Planning Framework with the 2021 “Nature Conservancy’s Watershed Approach to Compensation Planning for the Virginia Aquatic Resources Trust Fund."