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Tag: City of Virginia Beach
  • NAO-2018-01863, Proposed Bow Creek Stormwater Park at 3425 Club House Road (Bow Creek Golf Course)

    Expiration date: 9/19/2022

    PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE: The City of Virginia Beach (City) proposes to permanently impact 0.04 acres of palustrine emergent (PEM) wetlands, 1.19 acres of estuarine emergent (EEM) wetlands, 0.01 acres of estuarine scrub shrub (ESS) wetlands, 4.06 acres of open water, 0.16 acres of tidal ditch, and 0.23 acres (1,277 linear feet) of nontidal, jurisdictional ditches to provide stormwater storage for flood mitigation at the Bow Creek Golf Course, 3425 Club House Road in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The necessary grading and filling associated with the construction of the planned stormwater storage and park amenities will cause the proposed impacts to Waters of the U.S., including wetlands.

  • NAO-2015-00459 (Cripple Creek Dredged Material Transfer Station)

    Expiration date: 4/18/2022

    The City of Virginia Beach proposes to impact wetlands and Waters of the U.S. for the construction of the Cripple Creek Dredged Material Transfer Station at 2540 Virginia Beach Boulevard, Virginia Beach, Virginia. The impacts are associated with the construction of 30 linear feet of bulkhead (with 23-foot returns), shoreline revetment, two 7-pile mooring dolphins and dredging for a basin to support the transfer of dredged material from barges to trucks. The bulkhead and fender would impact 90 square feet of non-vegetated tidal wetlands and 65 square feet of scrub/shrub vegetated tidal wetlands. The City of Virginia Beach would remove an estimated 625 cubic yards of dredged material from the proposed 4,350-square foot basin. The dredging (-7.5-foot NAVD) would impact 4,870 square feet of subaqueous bottom, and 495 square feet of non-vegetated wetlands in the 2X buffer and 390 square feet of vegetated wetlands (240 square feet in 2x and 150 square feet in 4X buffer). Public comments should be received by the close of business on April 18, 2022.

  • NAO-2001-02223/18-V1872

    Expiration date: 1/14/2019

    HOFD Ashville Park, LLC & Ashville Park Owners Association propose the construction of the drainage improvements required by the City of Virginia Beach and the development of the remaining Villages including the supporting infrastructure at the existing, partially developed Ashville Park residential subdivision in Virginia Beach. The applicant proposes to impact 0.31 acres of open water, 0.74 acres of emergent wetlands, 2.23 acres of scrub/shrub wetlands and 0.12 acres of forested wetlands.

  • NAO-2013-1998

    Expiration date: 6/1/2015

    The city of Virginia Beach proposes to hydraulically dredge approximately 10,017 cubic yards at varying depths not to exceed -5.5 feet below mean low water in order to enhance navigation and remove siltation from the existing channel adjacent to the Shadowlawn neighborhood in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Comment period expires June 1, 2015.

  • NAO-2004-04041 Rudee Inlet Dredging

    Expiration date: 3/23/2015

    The City of Virginia Beach proposes to dredge approximately 150,000 cubic yards per cycle either by hydraulic dredge or by hopper dredge from the Rudee Inlet Outer Channel Deposition Basin. The dredged material is expected to be primarily beach quality sand that will be used for beach nourishment between Rudee Inlet and 14th Street at a previously authorized placement area or placed nearshore north of Rudee Inlet. The comment period ends on March 23, 2015.