Public Notice Distribution List

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Tag: Prince William County
  • NAO-2016-01943 (Potomac Shores Parkway Extension, Prince William, Virginia)

    Expiration date: 7/19/2024

    Harbor Station Communities, LLC proposes to extend Potomac Shores Parkway west to U.S. Route 1, perform improvements to the intersection of U.S. Route 1 and Route 234 (Dumfries Road), as well as perform improvements to an existing commuter lot in Prince William County, Virginia. The project as proposed will result in impacts to 0.18 acres of palustrine forested wetland, 0.45 acres of palustrine scrub-shrub wetland, 0.03 acres of palustrine emergent wetland, 1,218-linear feet (0.55 acre) of perennial stream, 1,014-linear feet (0.13 acre) of intermittent stream, as well as 39 linear feet (<0.01 acre) of culvert removal. Comments should be received by the close of business on July 19, 2024.

  • NAO-2023-02265 (Daves Store Substation, Prince William County, Virginia)

    Expiration date: 6/5/2024

    The project site is located directly west of the Route I-66 and Lee Highway (VA State Route 29) interchange at 13714 Dave’s Store Lane in Prince William County, Virginia 20155. The project consists of the construction of a new 230 kV substation directly west of the existing Heathcote Transition Station to support data center development and overall forecasted demand for electrical service. The proposed project will result in impacts to 0.60-acre (29,893 square feet) of palustrine forested (PFO) wetlands and 0.08-acre (3,641 square feet) of palustrine emergent (PEM) wetlands from grading and fill for development of the substation footprint. Comments should be received by the close of business on June 5, 2024.

  • NAO-2023-02171 (Cloverland Farm Mitigation Bank, Fauquier County and Prince William County, Virginia)

    Expiration date: 2/16/2024

    The Sponsor proposes to design, construct, establish, and operate Cloverland Farm Mitigation Bank (Bank). The sponsor is proposing 15.35 wetland credits to be generated through 107.46 acres of wetland enhancement and 63.01 acres of upland buffer preservation and enhancement. The sponsor is proposing 36,506 stream credits to be generated through enhancement of 39,242 linear feet of stream and 353 acres of riparian buffer. The purpose of the Bank is to provide off-site compensatory mitigation for projects that result in unavoidable impacts to waters of the U.S. including wetlands and streams. Public comment should be received by the close of business on February 16, 2024.
  • NAO-2023-01709 (Joyner Mitigation Bank, Prince William County, Virginia)

    Expiration date: 2/7/2024

    The Sponsor proposes to design, construct, establish, and operate Joyner Mitigation Bank (Bank). The sponsor is proposing to generate 68.24 wetland credits through 93.42 acres of wetland preservation, 4.67 acres of wetland enhancement, 54.57 acres of wetland creation, and 33.26 acres of upland buffer restoration. Public comment should be received by the close of business on February 7, 2024.
  • NAO-2019-00517-TREC

    Expiration date: 12/10/2023

    Sharpless Enterprises, LLC is requesting re-authorization for a previously permitted project due to regulation changes regarding the definition of waters of the U.S. The applicant proposes to construct a restricted data center campus and associated infrastructure. The footprint and design of the proposed project are consistent with the previously issued 22-SPGP-RCIR verification. Public comment should be received by the close of business on Sunday, December 10, 2023.