Public Notice Distribution List

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Tag: Richmond
  • NAO-2014-0574

    Expiration date: 5/21/2014

    The Nature Conservancy proposes to expand a compensatory wetland mitigation site which is known as MJ-1 Rivanna River (Lamb) VARTF project and is located in Albemarle County, Virginia. The purpose of the mitigation project is to provide off-site compensatory mitigation for projects that result in unavoidable impacts to waters of the United States in the Middle James drainage basin. The goal of the mitigation site is to provide appropriate mitigation for impacts, within the authorized service area, by performing wetland buffer restoration.

  • 2005-01860-arl (Jonas Run)

    Expiration date: 5/21/2014

    The applicant, Stickbow, LLC., proposes to complete construction of a residential community, titled North Ridge Phase II, that was previously permitted under a COE Individual Permit but has since expired. The approximately 185 acre site is located north of the Town of Culpeper and south of Chestnut Fork Road (State Route 685) in Culpeper County, Va. The project is located along Jonas Run and its associated tributaries.

  • NAO-2014-0100

    Expiration date: 3/9/2014

    The bank sponsor, John Shepherd, proposes to establish, design, construct, and operate a compensatory stream mitigation bank to be known as Windrow Farm Stream Mitigation Bank. The bank will be located on approximately 133 acres in Nottoway County, Va. The purpose of the mitigation bank is to provide off-site compensatory mitigation for projects that result in unavoidable impacts to streams in the Middle James River Drainage basin.

  • NAO-2012-2048

    Expiration date: 4/29/2013

    The bank sponsor proposes to establish, design, construct and operate a compensatory stream mitigation bank to be known as the Lower James Stream Mitigation Bank. The purpose of the mitigation bank is to provide off-site compensatory mitigation for projects that result in unavoidable impacts to non-tidal streams in the James River Watershed. Public comment period ends April 29, 2013.

  • NAO-2013-0034

    Expiration date: 3/12/2013

    Henderson, Inc. proposes to construct a 10.5 mile long, 10-foot-wide asphalt trail with 3 feet wide graded shoulders on each side. The purpose of the project is to provide a multi-use trail to provide safe, recreational, multi-modal travel opportunities ultimately linking the City of Richmond and the City of Williamsburg. Comment period ends Mar. 12, 2013.