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Tag: Hampton Roads
  • 2002-1929

    Napolitano Ventures proposes to impact 0.99 acres of jurisdictional forested wetlands (43,471 square feet) for the construction of 8 single family homes along Shoulders Hill Road in Suffolk, Virginia. The applicant minimized impacts to the greatest amount possible by reducing the original footprint of impacts to Waters of the United States (WOUS). The applicant is purchasing credits from an approved mitigation bank within the geographic service area to offset the impacts to wetlands associated with this project. The proposed site will be accessed through Bennetts Creek Square Development for which a permit was issued in April of 2008 (WP4-07-1796) to impact 0.746 acres of jurisdictional wetlands. Impacts were mitigated at an approved mitigation bank within the service area

  • NAO-2017-01520

    Expiration date: 10/31/2017

    The applicant proposes to mechanically dredge approximately 22,000 cubic yards of material from Indian River Creek. The purpose of the project is to dredge a 20-foot drainage channel to a depth of -4 feet referencing North American Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) (with a 0.5 foot allowable overdepth, which equates to -4.5 feet NAVD or -3.0 feet MLW) along each of the tributaries in Indian River Creek to improve flow and tidal flushing out to the Chesapeake Bay.

  • NAO-2002-03027/ VMRC#17-V1093

    Expiration date: 8/7/2017

    In order to maintain deep water access to its commercial marine repair facility, Marine Hydraulics International proposes maintenance dredging to a depth of -38.14 feet at mean low water. The location of the existing berthing area is located in Norfolk, on the Elizabeth River, at approximate location latitude 36.8617 and longitude -76.3125. Approximately 85,000 cubic yards of material will be mechanically dredged, placed in scow barges, and transported to the Craney Island Dredged Material Management Area and deposited in the Rehandling Basin.

  • NAO-2014-0644

    Expiration date: 5/14/2014

    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Marine Operations Center – Atlantic, proposes new maintenance dredging at their facility. Approximately 85,000 cubic yards of material is proposed to be dredged at the approach and berthing areas along NOAA MOC-A’s shoreline in the Elizabeth River in order to provide safe navigation for current and future vessel support. The material will be dredged either hydraulically and pumped directly into the upper cells of the Craney Island Dredged Material Management Area, or mechanically dredged, placed in scows, barged to Craney Island, and deposited in the Craney Island Rehandling Basin. Comment period ends May 14, 2014.


    On April 2, 2014, Norfolk District Regulatory office released a public notice regarding preceding precipitation conditions for shallow groundwater well monitoring associated with wetland determinations. Based on analysis of several rainfall recording stations and reference groundwater monitoring wells within the Hampton Roads region, the Norfolk District has determined that antecedent precipitation conditions for shallow groundwater well monitoring associated with wetland determinations has been within normal ranges for the Southside and below normal ranges for the Peninsula. In addition, several of the indicators of plant biological activity signaling the start of the growing season as described in the regional supplements were observed broadly across southeastern Virginia as early as Feb. 20, 2014.