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Tag: craney island
  • Craney Island toll charges

    Effective Aug. 1, new tolls will be established for placement of dredged material at Craney Island Dredged Material Management Area.
  • 2000-02761 / 10-V0518

    Expiration date: 4/20/2018

    The applicant proposes to increase the shipyard’s permitted dredge depths by variable amounts to achieve a series of standardized depths ranging from -30’ MLW to -50’ MLW across their carrier, submarine, & other vessel navigational zones to improve flexibility for ship movements and eliminate future permit modification requests. The applicant is proposing to remove a total of 868,259 cubic yards of subaqueous bottom as part of the new dredging, and plans to dispose of the material at Craney Island.

  • NAO-2004-03364/14-V1114

    Expiration date: 10/19/2014

    Dominion Terminals Associates proposes to deepen the berthing and approach to their facilities from -52.6 ft MLW to -57 ft MLW, to provide access and berthing for larger coal and bulk material handling vessels. The public comment period ends Oct. 19, 2014. The current dredge footprint of 26.5 acres of subaqueous, unconsolidated bottom will be maintained, with a proposed removal of an additional 166,750 cubic yards of material, with planned disposal at Craney Island Dredge Material Management Area or Craney Island Rehandling Basin (dependant on dredging method). All work will take place at 600 Harbor Road - pier 11, in Newport News, Virginia.

  • NAO-2005-4861

    Expiration date: 12/4/2013

    Lamberts Point proposes to deepen the berth on each side of their Pier N at Lambert Point Docks to -34 ft MLW in Norfolk Virginia. The applicant proposes to dredge 945,000 square feet and remove 104,000 cubic yards of material twice in the next ten years, and is proposing to dredge mechanically and use the Rehandling Basin at Craney Island, or use a hydraulic dredge and direct discharge into Craney Island.

  • NAO-2006-5947

    Expiration date: 6/7/2013

    The north berth at Pier IX of the Kinder Morgan facility needs to be deepened to -52 feet MLLW in order to accommodate the larger PANAMAX vessels. Dredging is required to achieve the proposed depth of -52 feet MLLW. Public comment period ends June 7.