Public Notice Distribution List

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Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Published Nov. 16, 2021

November 16, 2021            


Due to increased workload and reduced staffing levels, we are experiencing a backlog of projects, resulting in extended processing delays. We recommend the following best practices to help us more efficiently review projects:

  1. Always submit Joint Permit Applications (JPA) to VMRC.  They will route the application to us quickly.  Sending the JPA to the Corps directly will only create duplication and confusion, extending your project review.
  1. All other NEW requests should be submitted to our ROD inbox:
  1. If you are requesting a delineation be performed, the time for us to get onsite and start can be a year or more, so please consider hiring a consultant.
  1. For larger projects, preapplication meetings are recommended.  This allows us to work out potential challenges early in the process, speeding up the subsequent permit review process. Please complete the preapplication form and submit to the Corps at
  1. Once your project is received by the Norfolk District, you should receive a confirmation email from the data entry team with your NAO project number and a point of contact if you do not hear back from us within 2 weeks.  Please always reference that NAO project number and follow the directions for who to contact.
  1. Our webpage also lists points of contacts for your specific project location. 

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Kimberly Prisco-Baggett at 757-201-7873 or