September 18, 2018
Reissuance and Modification of Norfolk
District Regional Permits
The Norfolk District announces the reissuance and modifications of the following Regional Permits that expired on August 14, 2018. Effective today, these permits supersede and replace all previous versions.
Regional Permit 02 (RP-02) for new and maintenance dredging for certain navigation-related dredging projects;
Regional Permit 15 (RP-15) for activities associated with the maintenance of existing drainage ditches originally constructed in and previously authorized in navigable waters and waters of the U.S.;
Regional Permit 17 (RP-17) for the installation and/or construction of open-pile piers, mooring structures/devices, fender piles, covered boathouses/boat slips, boatlifts, osprey pilings/platforms, accessory pier structures, and certain devices associated with shellfish gardening, for private use. Self-verification only;
Regional Permit 18 (RP-18) the installation and/or construction of open-pile piers, mooring structures/devices, fender piles, covered boathouses/boat slips, boatlifts, osprey pilings/platforms, accessory pier structures, and certain devices associated with shellfish gardening, for private, commercial, community, and government use. Written verification required from the Corps;
Regional Permit 19 (RP-19) for living shorelines, riprap revetments, bulkheads, breakwaters, groins, jetties, spurs, baffles, aquaculture activities and boat ramps;
Regional Permit 22 (RP-22) for construction of piers, boat docks, boat ramps, and boathouses, excavation of boat slips and channels, construction and backfilling of bulkheads and placement of riprap for shoreline stabilization, and installation of submerged utility and aerial transmission lines in the Virginia Portion of Lake Gaston.
The Norfolk District Commander, Colonel Patrick V. Kinsman, signed the modified permits along with their supporting decision documents authorizing their use for another five years. These new Regional Permits can be found on our web site:
If you have any questions regarding this notice you may contact Tucker smith at 757-201-7653 or via email at, or Jennifer Frye 540-344-1498 or via email at .
William T. Walker
Chief, Regulatory Office