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Tag: Otterdale Branch
  • 2001-03702, 18-V0220

    Expiration date: 4/2/2018

    Base Camp Holding is proposing to complete construction of a single family residential development known as Summerlake. The project was previously authorized by the Corps but the applicant did not complete construction of the development prior to the expiration date of the permit. The project site is approximately 97 acres and is located south of Otterdale Branch, generally west of Otterdale Road, in Chesterfield County, Virginia. The site drains into Otterdale Branch, which drains into Swift Creek, a tributary to the Appomattox River. The applicant is seeking authorization to impact 0.372 acre of forested wetlands and 375 linear feet of stream channel associated with the construction of 212 lots, roads, utilities, and erosion and sediment control measures. . The applicant previously provided compensatory mitigation for the impacts by making a monetary contribution to the Virginia Wetland Restoration Trust Fund in the amount of $ 119,070.00 and by purchasing 1.6 wetland mitigation credits. Total cumulative permanent impacts for the construction of Summerlake are 2.26 acres of forested wetlands and 1,143 linear feet of stream channel.

  • 2001-03702; 12-V0849

    Expiration date: 9/20/2012

    The project site is approximately 150 acres and is located south of Otterdale Branch, generally west of Otterdale Road, in Chesterfield County, Virginia. The site drains into Otterdale Branch, which drains into Swift Creek, a tributary to the Appomattox River. The stated purpose of the project is to complete construction of a single family residential development known as Summerlake. Public comments should be received by the close of business on Sept. 19, 2012.