Aerial view of the permit application location


Red Mill Elementary School in Virginia Beach, Va., provided the venue Nov. 6, as more than 100 Sandbridge area community members voiced their concerns and opinions on the pending Norfolk District Environmental Impact Statement study for the proposed Wilkins’ Marina project.
Red Mill Elementary School in Virginia Beach, Va., provided the venue Nov. 6, as more than 100 Sandbridge area community members voiced their concerns and opinions on the pending Norfolk District Environmental Impact Statement study for the proposed Wilkins’ Marina project.
Red Mill Elementary School in Virginia Beach, Va., provided the venue Nov. 6, as more than 100 Sandbridge area community members voiced their concerns and opinions on the pending Norfolk District Environmental Impact Statement study for the proposed Wilkins’ Marina project.
Red Mill Elementary School in Virginia Beach, Va., provided the venue Nov. 6, as more than 100 Sandbridge area community members voiced their concerns and opinions on the pending Norfolk District Environmental Impact Statement study for the proposed Wilkins’ Marina project.
Red Mill Elementary School in Virginia Beach, Va., provided the venue Nov. 6, as more than 100 Sandbridge area community members voiced their concerns and opinions on the pending Environmental Impact Statement study for the proposed Wilkins’ Marina project. The scoping meeting, hosted by the Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, sought to listen to community members and capture their comments for use in the development of the EIS. After a lively and oftentimes passionate discussion during the meeting’s introductory session, led by Tom Walker, Norfolk District’s Regulatory chief, and Harold Jones, project consultant, community members were separated into four break-out sessions to focus on identifying, defining and capturing specific project issues. The break-out sessions were led by environmental scientists from the district’s Regulatory Branch and managed by Melissa Nash, the Corps’ Wilkins' Marina EIS project manager. Community members were also informed of the 45-day comment period allowing them to send their comments to the Corps via email or mail through Nov. 21, 2014, and the creation of a Corps Wilkins’ Marina EIS project web page to keep community members updated.
Red Mill Elementary School in Virginia Beach, Va., provided the venue Nov. 6, as more than 100 Sandbridge area community members voiced their concerns and opinions on the pending Norfolk District Environmental Impact Statement study for the proposed Wilkins’ Marina project.
Red Mill Elementary School in Virginia Beach, Va., provided the venue Nov. 6, as more than 100 Sandbridge area community members voiced their concerns and opinions on the pending Norfolk District Environmental Impact Statement study for the proposed Wilkins’ Marina project.
Red Mill Elementary School in Virginia Beach, Va., provided the venue Nov. 6, as more than 100 Sandbridge area community members voiced their concerns and opinions on the pending Norfolk District Environmental Impact Statement study for the proposed Wilkins’ Marina project.
Red Mill Elementary School in Virginia Beach, Va., provided the venue Nov. 6, as more than 100 Sandbridge area community members voiced their concerns and opinions on the pending Norfolk District Environmental Impact Statement study for the proposed Wilkins’ Marina project.
Red Mill Elementary School in Virginia Beach, Va., provided the venue Nov. 6, as more than 100 Sandbridge area community members voiced their concerns and opinions on the pending Norfolk District Environmental Impact Statement study for the proposed Wilkins’ Marina project.
Red Mill Elementary School in Virginia Beach, Va., provided the venue Nov. 6, as more than 100 Sandbridge area community members voiced their concerns and opinions on the pending Norfolk District Environmental Impact Statement study for the proposed Wilkins’ Marina project.
Red Mill Elementary School in Virginia Beach, Va., provided the venue Nov. 6, as more than 100 Sandbridge area community members voiced their concerns and opinions on the pending Norfolk District Environmental Impact Statement study for the proposed Wilkins’ Marina project.
Red Mill Elementary School in Virginia Beach, Va., provided the venue Nov. 6, as more than 100 Sandbridge area community members voiced their concerns and opinions on the pending Norfolk District Environmental Impact Statement study for the proposed Wilkins’ Marina project.
Red Mill Elementary School in Virginia Beach, Va., provided the venue Nov. 6, as more than 100 Sandbridge area community members voiced their concerns and opinions on the pending Norfolk District Environmental Impact Statement study for the proposed Wilkins’ Marina project.
Red Mill Elementary School in Virginia Beach, Va., provided the venue Nov. 6, as more than 100 Sandbridge area community members voiced their concerns and opinions on the pending Norfolk District Environmental Impact Statement study for the proposed Wilkins’ Marina project.
Red Mill Elementary School in Virginia Beach, Va., provided the venue Nov. 6, as more than 100 Sandbridge area community members voiced their concerns and opinions on the pending Norfolk District Environmental Impact Statement study for the proposed Wilkins’ Marina project.
Red Mill Elementary School in Virginia Beach, Va., provided the venue Nov. 6, as more than 100 Sandbridge area community members voiced their concerns and opinions on the pending Norfolk District Environmental Impact Statement study for the proposed Wilkins’ Marina project.

Wilkins Mooring and Launching Facility EIS

The Norfolk District is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed construction of the Wilkins Mooring and Launching Facility at 3701 South Sandpiper Road in the Sandbridge community of Virginia Beach, Virginia.

The project involves the removal and reconstruction of an existing pier and twelve commercial mooring slips to be used by the existing eco-tourism and rental operation; the proposed construction of sixty-four new members-only slips with associated piers; construction of a boat ramp; installation of a non-backfilled bulkhead; as well as maintenance and new dredging at property located at 3701South Sandpiper Road in the Sandbridge community of Virginia Beach, Virginia.

The mission of this site is to keep the public informed about the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process for the proposed mooring and launching facility. 

Latest News:

- Public Scoping Meeting held Nov. 6, at Red Mill Elementary School on Sandbridge Rd. in Virginia Beach.



Norfolk District Regulatory Office
803 Front St.
Norfolk, VA 23510

(757) 201-7606