Virginia Aquatic Resources Trust Fund

The Virginia Aquatic Resources Trust Fund Program Instrument is an agreement among the Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and the Nature Conservancy of Virginia. This agreement details the Virginia Aquatic Resources Trust Fund Program, which allows land owners and developers to offset their project's impacts on Virginia's streams, rivers and wetlands.

When the impact to a wetland, stream or river is minimized but remains unavoidable, the program allows permit applicants to pay into a trust fund. This trust fund is used for aquatic environment creation or restoration.

The overall goal of the program is a no-net-loss of wetland acreage.

Detailed information about the program may be found in the links provided.

Program Instrument effective July 15, 2011

Exhibit A - TNC watershed approach to compensation planning, 2011

Exhibit B - Advanced credits

Exhibit C- Standard ratios

Exhibit D- Fee schedule

Corps response to public notice comments, 2011

Purchasing Mitigation Credits