VADATA Midwood Project Permit Application

Proposed Project Overview

The proponent is requesting a State Program General Permit (12-SPGP-01) from the Norfolk District Corps of Engineers under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act for the permanent discharge of fill material into 991 linear feet of stream channel and 0.10-acre palustrine forested wetlands as well as the temporary discharge of fill into 14 linear feet of stream channel.  The discharge of fill is associated with the construction of a proposed 3 building data center complex and it’s associated infrastructure within the core of the Buckland Mills Battlefield (DHR ID# 030-5152) in Haymarket, Virginia. The Buckland Mills Battlefield is eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. 

Why is USACE Involved

A data center with associated infrastructure (i.e. roads, stormwater, etc) is proposed for construction in waters, including wetlands that are regulated under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The proposed activities will require a Corps permit pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act regulations.

The Process

  • Pre-Application Consultation
  • Permit Application submitted to VMRC via the SPGP process
  • Project forwarded to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ)
  • VDEQ makes completeness determination
  • VDEQ forwards project to the VDEQ Cultural Resource Specialist for initial Section 106 review
  • VDEQ makes Section 106 determination in accordance with the 12-SPGP Section 106 Programmatic Agreement
  • VDEQ forwards the project to the USACE for Section 106 coordination
  • Other Laws Pursuant to our Permit Review 
  • Permit verification approved and issued by the VDEQ /permit elevated by the USACE for processing as an individual permit.


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Section 106 National Historic Preservation Act Items

Area of Potential Effect (APE) Buckland Mills Battlefield
Area of Potential Effect   

Architectural Survey Form


Effects Assessments

Topographic Map
DHR Comments 12-Oct-2016


ABPP Comments 3-Oct-2016    


VaData, Inc.
c/o JCL Consulting, LLC
Attn: Johnny Lim
410 Terry Avenue, N
Seattle, WA 98109


Norfolk District Regulatory Office
803 Front St.
Norfolk, VA 23510

(757) 201-7606