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Tag: Manassas Battlefield Historic District Expansion
  • CENAO-WRR-N-NAO-2015-00780/15V1324

    Expiration date: 3/24/2017

    Notice is hereby given that Stonebridge Investments, LLC is proposing to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with the US Army Corps of Engineers and Virginia Department of Historic Resources under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The Manassas Battlefield Historic District and the overlapping boundaries of the Battle of Gainesville/Second Battle of Manassas and the Battle of Brawner's Farm/First Battle of Manassas are located within the Stonebridge Chase project area, a proposed residential subdivision with associated infrastructure in Fairfax County, Virginia.

  • NAO-2013-02175/15-V0766

    Expiration date: 12/27/2016

    Notice is hereby given that Stuarts Crossing, LLC is proposing to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Norfolk District and Virginia Department of Historic Resources under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Site 44FX3780, consists of seven rifle pits likely associated with the First Battle of Manassas and the Manassas Battlefield Historic District Expansion are located within the Stuarts Crossing project area, a proposed residential development with associated infrastructure.