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Tag: Vuclan Richmond Quarry
  • NAO-2005-01458

    Expiration date: 10/13/2016

    Vulcan is proposing to expand mining operation at the existing quarry. The project will impact 1.22 acres of forested wetlands, 0.88 acre of emergent wetlands, 0.63 acre of open water, and 440 linear feet of stream channel. Total cumulative impacts for the project are 1.81 acres of forested wetlands, 0.88 acre of emergent wetlands, 0.63 acre of open water and 645 linear feet of stream channel. The applicant indicated that impact have been avoided and minimized by avoiding impacts to the James River and its RPA and Goode Creek. To mitigate for the proposed impacts, the applicant proposed to purchase 3.32 wetland credits from the James River Mitigation Bank and 359 stream credits from the Amelia Environmental Bank.