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Tag: London Bridge Creek
  • NAO-2018-01863, Proposed Bow Creek Stormwater Park at 3425 Club House Road (Bow Creek Golf Course)

    Expiration date: 9/19/2022

    PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE: The City of Virginia Beach (City) proposes to permanently impact 0.04 acres of palustrine emergent (PEM) wetlands, 1.19 acres of estuarine emergent (EEM) wetlands, 0.01 acres of estuarine scrub shrub (ESS) wetlands, 4.06 acres of open water, 0.16 acres of tidal ditch, and 0.23 acres (1,277 linear feet) of nontidal, jurisdictional ditches to provide stormwater storage for flood mitigation at the Bow Creek Golf Course, 3425 Club House Road in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The necessary grading and filling associated with the construction of the planned stormwater storage and park amenities will cause the proposed impacts to Waters of the U.S., including wetlands.

  • NAO-2016-0623/VMRC #16-V0516

    Expiration date: 5/13/2016

    The City of Virginia Beach proposes to mechanically dredge approximately 54,906 cubic yards (561,164 square feet) at varying depths not to exceed -4.5 feet below mean low water (MLW) in order to allow residents to restore safe access to navigable channels in the Lynnhaven River and remove accumulated sediment in the channels and in the access basins around private owner’s docks, piers, and similar facilities. The project is located adjacent to the Chesopeian Colony subdivision within and between Pinetree Branch (to the west) and London Bridge Creek (to the east), which are tributaries of the Eastern Branch of the Lynnhaven River in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia.