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Tag: impoundment
  • NAO-2021-00207 (Buchanan Minerals Impoundment, Buchanan County, Virginia)

    Expiration date: 9/17/2023

    PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE:  Construct a freshwater impoundment for the retention and delivery of sufficient quality and quantity of water to the adjacent coal preparation plant to facilitate continued coal extraction/recovery of metallurgical bituminous coal from the existing underground Buchanan No. 1 mine for an anticipated 25-years.  The proposed impoundment is planned to provide for 96-acre-feet of storage and the applicant anticipates that it would provide 2,400 gallons per minute, or approximately 3.5 million gallons per day of freshwater, for processing raw material for a targeted annual output of 1-2 million tons of cleaned coal.  Construction of the impoundment would permanently impact approximately 1,340 linear feet of Garden Creek.  Specifically,  the construction of the dam would result in a permanent loss of 480 linear feet of streambed and the subsequent backfilling of Garden Creek would result in a permanent conversion of 860 linear feet of stream habitat to open water habitat.


    Expiration date: 6/23/2022

    The Norfolk District proposes the reissuance of the Regional Permit 5 (16-RP-05), scheduled to expire on June 9, 2022. Regional Permit 5 authorizes private entities to discharge dredged and/or fill material into waters of the U.S. for the purpose of constructing small impoundments for general and private use. These uses include, but are not limited to, recreation, aesthetics, and water storage for fire prevention; moreover, the impacts may not result in more than minimal individual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts. Public comments should be received by June 23, 2022.
  • NAO-2018-00161

    Expiration date: 7/19/2019

    Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Margaret Dickinson propose to impact 515 linear feet of unnamed tributaries to the Smith River and 0.76 acres of adjacent wetlands for the purpose of constructing a 2.8 acres private recreational pond. The project area is located on a 101-acre property along Lone Ivy Road (SR 613) in Patrick County, Virginia. The applicant proposes to make payment to an approved mitigation bank as compensation for the impacts to waters of U.S. The Public Notice Comment Period ends July 19, 2019.


    The Norfolk District announces the reissuance of the Regional Permit 05 (16-RP-05) that expired on October 5, 2011. Effective June 9, 2017, this permit supersedes and replaces all previous versions.