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Tag: dam removal
  • NAO-2021-01244

    Expiration date: 2/27/2022

    The applicant proposes constructing a car dealership within a 7.22-acre project area, including parking spaces, a 40,000 square foot detention facility, and a 28,000 square foot building to be used as a show room, office space and repair facility, resulting in permanent impacts to 3.82 acres of forested wetlands and 3.4 acres of scrub shrub wetlands.

  • NAO-2020-00707

    Expiration date: 12/31/2021

    The sponsor proposes to establish, design, construct and operate a compensatory stream mitigation site to be known as the South Anna River at Ashland Mill Dam Mitigation Bank, to provide off-site compensatory mitigation for projects that result in unavoidable impacts to streams and other waters of the United States in the Pamunkey River and Lower Chesapeake Bay Drainage Basins.