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Tag: Spotico Creek
  • NAO-2015-01371

    Expiration date: 2/27/2021

    The applicant, Colonna’s Shipyard, proposes to relocate Drydock #3. The project consists of dredging a 545-foot by 155-foot (80,325 sf) basin to achieve maximum depths of -48 feet MLW and a 230-foot by 260-foot (59,800 sf) access channel to achieve maximum depths of -28 feet MLW to accommodate the relocation. Dredged materials will be placed at the Craney Island Dredged Materials Management Area (CIDMMA) Rehandling Basin for the initial dredging cycle. Drydock #3 is currently located 200 feet to the west but must be relocated for safety.

  • NAO-2015-1371 Colonna's Shipyard

    Expiration date: 10/26/2015

    Colonna’s Shipyard is proposing to construct a drydock and supporting structures at their property along Spotico Creek, a tributary to the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River in Norfolk, Virginia.