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Tag: Allens Branch
  • 2017-00051, 17-V1460

    Expiration date: 10/18/2017

    The applicant proposes to construct a single family residential development and a senior living facility to be known as North Gayton Village in the Short Pump area of west Henrico County. The applicant proposes to permanently impact 1.09 acres of forested wetlands and 0.36 acre of emergent wetlands for the construction of lots, roads, and amenities, and to temporarily impact 0.01 acre of forested wetlands for the construction of a sanitary sewer crossing. The applicant indicated that impacts have been avoided and minimized by preserving wetlands in common area, and by redesigning lot and internal road layouts. To mitigate for the proposed impacts, the applicant has proposed to purchase 2.53 wetland credits for the permanent impacts from the Elk Island Mitigation Bank.

  • NAO-2015-0025 Holloway Phase II

    Expiration date: 9/22/2015

    The applicant proposes to construct phase II of a multi-use development know as Holloway including 110 townhomes, 130 single family homes, and roads in Henrico County, Virginia. Public comment period ends Oct. 22, 2015.