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Tag: Nike Park Road Extension
  • NAO-2017-1468 / VMRC 23-4025 (Nike Park Road, Ise of Wight County, VA)

    Expiration date: 7/13/2023

    The proposed Nike Park Road Extension project will consist of constructing a new approximately one mile, two lane collector roadway that will also include the construction of a multi-use path that will run parallel to the new facility. The project will impact approximately 157,068 square feet (SF) of nontidal forested wetland; 165 SF of nontidal emergent wetland: and 48.2 linear feet (LF) of jurisdictional ditch. In addition, approximately 1800.7 of nontidal forested wetland; 109.4 SF of unconsolidated bottom; 64LF of intermittent stream. Public comments should be received by close of business July 12, 2023.