Public Notice Distribution List

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Tag: EFH
  • NAO-2010-0809 (Naval Station Norfolk, Maintenance Dredging, Elizabeth River and Willoughby Bay, Virginia)

    Expiration date: 9/13/2023

    The Navy is proposing to perform maintenance dredging at Naval Station Norfolk on the Elizabeth River and Willoughby Bay in Norfolk, Virginia. This project includes maintenance dredging throughout the installation and ocean and/or upland disposal of the dredged material. Approximately 7.7 million cubic yards of material will be dredged from a 340-acre area during the 10-year maintenance period. Dredge material disposal alternatives include ocean placement at the Norfolk Ocean Disposal Site (NODS), placement at the Craney Island Dredged Material Management Area, and/or disposal at another upland site. This public notice is being issued for comments related to the regulatory permits, and also to satisfy the requirements for Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972. Public comments should be received by close of business Sept. 13, 2023.

  • NAO-2021-2377

    Expiration date: 12/13/2021

    The Commanding Officer of the Naval Station Norfolk proposes the following activities at Pier 3 on the Elizabeth River in Norfolk, VA: demolition of existing Piers 3 and 3T, construction of a new submarine berthing pier, repairs to two existing bulkheads, dredging of approximately 7.65 acres of open water, and filling of approximately 0.51 acres of deep open water areas. Dredged material will be disposed of the Craney Island Dredged Material Management Area.”

  • NAO-2009-1460

    Expiration date: 8/11/2021

    The City of Virginia Beach proposes the continued fill of 20 acres of excavation-induced surface waters at their Whitehurst Borrow Pit Dredged Material Management Area located off Oceana Blvd., as dredge disposal has been reclaiming the borrow pit since 2010. Public comment period ends August 11.

  • NAO-2009-5001

    Expiration date: 8/6/2021

    Lyon Shipyard proposes dredging and the construction of a travel lift and piers in Norfolk, Virginia, on the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River, with a public comment period ending Aug. 6.

  • NAO-2020-2373; VMRC #20-V2232

    Expiration date: 3/10/2021

    The City of Norfolk proposes to construct a beach nourishment project at four different reaches along its Ocean View and Willoughby Spit shoreline. The proposed fill at Reach 1 is between 24th Bay Street and Bay Point Drive, the fill at Reach 2 is between Chesapeake Boulevard and Atlans Street, the fill at Reach 3 is between 6th View Street and Norfolk Avenue, and the proposed fill at Reach 4 is between 12th View Street and 9th View Street. The purpose of the project is to restore and enhance coastal storm protection to residential, public and commercial structures by increasing the beach width and establishing a beach berm at +4.0 feet NAVD88. The project will accomplish this purpose by placing approximately 393,000 cubic yards of sand along 14,400 linear feet of shoreline.