Public Notice Distribution List

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Tag: historic properties
  • NAO 2011-02448 (Charles City Landfill ,Charles City, Virginia)

    Expiration date: 1/6/2023

    Waste Management of Virginia, Inc. is proposing an undertaking to construct 16 new landfill cells at the existing Charles City Landfill. The project site is located within the St. Mary’s Church Battlefield a historic property potentially eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. In compliance with regulations implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), the Norfolk District is soliciting comments on the proposed project from the public; Federal, state, and local agencies and officials; Native American Tribes; and other interested parties. This public notice provides an opportunity for members of the public to express their views on the undertaking’s effects on historic properties and resolution of adverse effects.

  • NAO-2021-00288

    Expiration date: 9/27/2021

    The applicant, City of Roanoke proposes to replace an existing bridge. There is an adverse effect two historic districts.

  • NAO-2007-03951

    Expiration date: 6/11/2020

    Bryan's Cove Developers propose filling .56 acres of non-tidal forested wetlands in order to expand the existing residential development located at 1800 Shipyard Road in Chesapeake, Virginia.

  • CENAO-WR-R 2011-1999

    Expiration date: 6/13/2014

    Hanover County C/O Joe Vidunas proposes to construct a connector road from the western terminus of Atlee Road to Atlee Station Road. The new road would also have a turn lane to the north that connects to Cool Springs Road. The proposed road would be elevated to pass over the existing CSX Railroad track. Construction would see impacts of 0.48 acre of forested wetland, 286 linear feet of stream channel and temporary impacts to 20 linear feet of stream.