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Tag: Greensville County
  • NAO-2022-00651, The Williams Companies, Inc.

    Expiration date: 10/7/2022

    PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE:  The proposed project includes construction of 6.35 miles of natural gas 24-inch pipeline along the existing South Virginia Lateral pipeline system to increase transportation capacity, increase overall reliability and to meet the growing need for natural gas in the Mid-Atlantic region and will permanently convert 0.75 acres of palustrine forested wetlands or palustrine scrub shrub wetlands to palustrine emergent wetlands and temporarily impact 1.77 acres of palustrine emergent wetlands and 1,185 linear feet of stream channel. 

  • NAO-2013-00474/13-V0957

    Expiration date: 1/31/2014

    The County of Greensville proposes to construct a new 150 acre reservoir with a 900 million gallon capacity off of Wyatts Mill Road, along with an associated raw water intake on the Nottoway River. The reservoir will service the increased public water demand of Greensville County, the Town of Jarratt, and extend service to the light industrial development located at the Interstate 95 Exit 4 interchange. Secondary uses include potential demand from the development of the MAMaC mega site, as well as an additional prospective industrial client currently investigating locating a facility on the western edge of Greensville County.