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Tag: Ashby's Bridge
  • NAO-13-01819

    Expiration date: 12/18/2013

    The applicant proposes to develop 12 residential lots along Sandbridge Road in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The project, as proposed, will impact 2.657 acres of non-tidal emergent wetlands, 0.394 acres of non-tidal forested wetlands, 0.030 acres of non-tidal forested open water and waters of the United States, and 0.291 acres of non-tidal emergent isolated wetlands. As compensation, the applicant proposes to purchase 3.475 credits from The Great Dismal Swamp Restoration Bank, LLC. In addition, 0.510 acres of on-site forested wetlands and 0.169 acres of on-site emergent wetlands will be avoided and the applicant proposes to protect the avoided wetlands via recordation of a restricted instrument on the property’s chain of title.