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Tag: Dumfries Road
  • NAO-2021-01061

    Expiration date: 11/10/2021

    Prince William County is proposing the construction of bridges, realigning current roads and road improvements for the following intersections: Route 234 and Brentsville Road; Prince William Parkway and Dumfries Road; and, Brentsville Road intersection along with the intersection of Prince William Parkway and Route 234 business in Prince William County, Virginia.

  • NAO-2016-01943

    Expiration date: 11/16/2019

    Harbor Station Communities, LLC is proposing to extend the existing Potomac Shores Parkway to intersect with Jefferson Davis Highway (U.S. Route 1) and Dumfries Road (Route 234) in Prince William County. The proposed project is located within Cherry Hill Point Peninsula and Quantico Creek.

  • NAO-2014-00555/16-V0200

    Expiration date: 4/27/2016

    Prince William County Department of Transportation proposes to temporarily and permanently impact jurisdictional wetlands and waters of the United States for the widening of Minnieville Road from an existing two-lane road to a four-lane divided road with a raised median from Spriggs Road to Dumfries Road (Route 234), a sidewalk on the south side of the road, a shared use path on the north side of the road, thru-lanes with curb and gutter, four stormwater management ponds and a culvert replacement at Powell’s Creek in Prince William County, Virginia. Permanent impacts are to 0.569 acre of palustrine forested wetland (PFO), 0.108 acre of palustrine emergent wetland (PEM), and 1,263 linear feet of stream channel. Permanent conversion impacts are to 0.198 acre of PFO. Temporary impacts are to 0.076 acre PFO, 3 square feet of PEM, and 138 linear feet of stream channels. Comment period ends April 27, 2016.

  • NAO-2006-07333/13-V0953

    Expiration date: 7/31/2013

    Prince William County Public Schools proposes the construction of 12th High School on an approximately 110-acre site along the eastern side of Dumfries Road, south of the intersection of Dumfries Road and Hoadly Road (Route 642) in Prince William County, Virginia. The work will occur in tributaries to Powell’s Creek. Public comment period ends July 31, 2013.