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Tag: Shore Drive
  • NAO-2006-3001

    Expiration date: 4/10/2014

    The City of Virginia Beach proposes to establish, design, construct, and operate a compensatory wetland mitigation bank to be known as Pleasure House Point Mitigation Bank. The site is located approximately 0.2 miles south of Shore Drive (US Route 60), and approximately 0.4 miles west of the Lynnhaven Inlet in Virginia Beach, Va. The proposed bank site drains to Pleasure House Creek, a tributary of the Lynnhaven River.

  • 12-1169-09

    Expiration date: 11/18/2012

    The applicant proposes to replace and upgrade the four-lane Route 60 “Lesner Bridge”, along Shore Drive over the Lynnhaven Inlet. The existing bridges will be removed, and each new bridge section will have two 12-foot-wide travel lanes, 10-foot-wide outside and 6-foot-wide inside shoulders, and a 10-foot multi-use path. The project will require the dredging of 2,530 cubic yards of subaqueous material for the installation of the 10 new instream bridge piers. It will also require, for construction access, the construction of a temporary bulkhead, the excavation of 10,200 cubic yards (20,425 square feet) of upland area, the dredging of 1,289 cubic yards (6,034 square feet) of nonvegetated intertidal area, the dredging of 2,511 cubic yards (37,437 square feet) of subaqueous bottom, and the maintenance dredging of 1,825 cubic yards (37,459 square feet) of the Crab Creek channel. All dredging for this mooring area will be to a depth of -8 feet at mean low water (MLW). Dredge material that is suitable for beach nourishment is proposed to be placed on the existing beach northwest of the bridge and landward of mean high water (MHW), and on City-owned property southwest of the bridge.