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Tag: Cape Henry
  • NAO-2009-1075/ VMRC #20-V2310

    Expiration date: 3/15/2021

    The applicant proposes to restore beach width and volume to the Cape Henry beach through a beach nourishment project. Sandy material dredged from the Thimble Shoals Channel will be placed on the beach using a pipeline system and pump-out buoys with the specific construction means and methods to be determined by the contractor. The beach nourishment project is designed to mitigate damage to existing structures which could be caused by storm surge and wave erosion. The project will accomplish its purpose through the placement of 331,300 cubic yards of sand along 9,000 linear feet of shoreline. This material will be placed in 29.91 acres below Mean Low Water (MLW), and in 8.89 acres between Mean High Water and MLW. The total impacts to waters of the U.S. are approximately 38.80 acres.

  • NAO-2014-1229

    Expiration date: 11/27/2015

    This public notice is being issued in accordance with Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA), for the planned transport and disposal of dredged material that will result from the proposed construction of a new two-lane parallel tunnel to the west of the existing Chesapeake Bay-Bridge Tunnel. Approximately 1.7 million cubic yards of dredged material from the project that meets Section 103 evaluation criteria is being proposed for disposal at the Norfolk Ocean Disposal Site. Comment period ends Nov. 27, 2015.

  • NAO-2013-0591

    Expiration date: 7/9/2014

    Langley Air Force Base proposes to construct in the same vicinity of an existing fuel pier, a new fuel pier facility that will include about 65,000 cubic yards of dredging, with the dredged material to be transported and discharged at the Norfolk Ocean Disposal Site (NODS).