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Tag: Lafayette River
  • NAO-2018-00095

    Expiration date: 6/22/2020

    The applicant proposes to dredge, by mechanical method, no more than 402 cubic yards of material from an 18-foot wide by 164-foot long area to create a new navigation channel from the Edgewater Haven Municipal Channel to his residence in Norfolk. The new channel, at maximum depths of -4 feet MLW including over dredge, will impact 2,223 square feet of mudflat, 20 square feet of vegetated tidal wetlands and 2,627 square feet of subaqueous bottom. The applicant has reduced the channel to the minimum necessary to achieve the project purpose. Mitigation proffered consists of the purchase of 169 square feet of mitigation bank credits. A general dredged materials management plan has been provided.

  • 408-NAO-2019-0011; City of Norfolk

    Expiration date: 11/6/2019

    A Joint Permit Application has been received (NAO-2000-2192, VMRC 19-0279) from the City of Norfolk for the proposed installation of approximately 3,600 linear feet of living shoreline adjacent to Norfolk International Terminal (NIT) facilities at 7737 Terminal Boulevard situated along the Lafayette River near the confluence with the Elizabeth River in Norfolk. The proposed project is located adjacent to the USACE/NIT Oyster Mitigation Project constructed in 2014 as part of the Craney Island Eastward Expansion Project and which is maintained by USACE