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Tag: Accomack County
  • NAO-2024-02581 (Cedar Island Resiliency Project, Accomack County, Virginia)

    Expiration date: 1/10/2025

    The applicant is seeking authorization to elevate and extend the natural marsh and intertidal flat behind the southern end of Cedar Island, at the site of a former ephemeral tidal inlet known as the ‘The Breach.’ The project plan consists of increasing the elevation of the western half of the site to expand and enhance marsh habitat. Graded areas and areas with no existing marsh will be planted with native marsh plants to increase ground stabilization. In order to stabilize the area of an historic breach, much of the low marsh will be raised and converted to vegetated high marsh through the addition of dredged materials and plantings. The project will result in the construction of approximately 5.90 ac of non-vegetated intertidal, 7.58 ac of vegetated low marsh, 21.26 ac of vegetated high marsh, and 3.93 ac of non-vegetated high marsh. Of the total marsh constructed, 4.69 acres will be new marsh converted from submerged lands. The project will also hydraulically dredge approximately 87.8 acres of subaqueous bottom to obtain 89,500 cy of material that will be used to construct the marsh portion of the project. Comments should be received by the close of business on January 10, 2025.

  • NAO-2021-02700 (Accomack County Airport)

    Expiration date: 2/28/2022

    Accomack County Airport proposes to construct a 35-foot wide asphalt paved taxiway turnaround located along the northeast side of the existing runway in Melfa, Virginia.

  • NAO-2006-6860

    Expiration date: 8/31/2019

    The District Commander has received a joint application for Federal and State permits for Key West Cottages located in Chincoteague, Virginia to construct rental cottages, pool, bathhouse. A beach area would include a spartina marsh, bulkhead and oyster reef. The dredged boat basin would include a kayak launch. Additional bulkheads would be located throughout the site to support the construction of cottages and infrastructure. A viewing platform along with other supporting amenities are part of this proposal to support the guest and the resort area. A sunken hull located channelward of the property would also be removed during construction.

  • NAO-2018-00068

    Expiration date: 4/20/2019

    Front Row Properties LLC is proposing to renovate a prior railway into a mooring facility. The project is located in Wachapreague Channel, a tributary to Bradford Bay/Atlantic Ocean, at 23 Atlantic Ave., Wachapreague, Accomack County, Virginia.

  • NAO-2009-00949

    Expiration date: 11/26/2013

    The Norfolk District Corps of Engineers has established a temporary danger zone from Nov. 19-26, around the NASA Wallops Flight Center in Accomack, Va., for the NASA ORS-3 launch.