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Published Oct. 26, 2016
Expiration date: 11/30/2016

Public Sponsors of flood control projects that sustained damages due to flooding in conjunction with the coastal storm/Hurricane Matthew during the period 07 October to 10 October 2012, have until 30 November 2016 to apply for Public Law 84-99 Rehabilitation Assistance from the US Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District.

The Corps of Engineers has authority under Public Law 84-99 to supplement local efforts in the repair of Federal (Corps-constructed, locally operated and maintained) flood control projects damaged by flood.

            a.  For a Federal flood control project to be eligible for Rehabilitation Assistance, it must be in an Active status by having passed its last Inspection of Completion Works inspection.

            b.  Rehabilitation Assistance will be provided by the Corps only when the work is economically justifiable, the damage was sustained during the recent flood event, and the cost of the repairs is more than $15,000.

All requests for assistance made to the Corps will be coordinated with the Federal Emergency Management  Agency (FEMA) and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to prevent duplication of benefits.

If the Public Sponsor believes that its project may qualify for Rehabilitation Assistance, a written request must be submitted to the Corps of Engineers at the address above.  The request must be signed by an officer or responsible official of the Public Sponsor, and must include:

           - Name and telephone number of the Public Sponsor’s point of contact;
           - Legal name of the flood control project;
         - Date and results of the last inspection by the Corps of Engineers;
           - Location of the flood control project by township, section, range, city, and county;
           - Location(s) of the damaged section(s), and extent of the damage at each location; and
           - Waterway causing the flood.

Upon receipt of the Public Sponsor’s request, the Corps of Engineers will schedule an inspection with the Public Sponsor.  If you have any questions, contact Stan Ballard, Emergency Manager, at 757-201-7633 or 757-201-7575.


                                                                        Jason E. Kelly, PMP
                                                                        Colonel, U.S. Army