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CDD for 17-RP-20

Published Oct. 30, 2017
Expiration date: 10/15/2022

CDD for 17-RP-20

Combined Decision Document (CDD) for the
2017 Reissuance of the Norfolk District
Regional Permit 20 (17-RP-20) 

The purpose of this Public Notice is to inform the public that we have posted our Combined Decision Document (CDD) for the reissuance of the 2017 Regional Permit 20 (17-RP-20). This decision document constitutes the Environmental Assessment, 404(b)(1) Guidelines Evaluation, Public Interest Review, and Statement of Findings for the reissuance of 17-RP-20.

Expiration date: 10/15/2022

If you have any questions about the CDD for 17-RP-20, please send an email to or call him at 757-201-7794.