Author: Patrick Bloodgood
  • October

    District one step closer to being accepted into OSHA program

    The Voluntary Protection Program uses performance-based criteria and requires extensive documentation in order to be in compliance. The program uses different models and tools to try and identify problematic areas so agencies can attempt to minimize and eliminate as many accidents as possible.
  • August

    Stevenson wows district crowd at women’s event

    Kate Campbell Stevenson brought to life the lives of Abigail Adams, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Alice Paul, and other women suffragists through costumes and music for the districts Women’s Equality Day celebration held here August 22, 2012.
  • May

    Partnership keeps communication/channel open

    Local, state and federal officials met with commercial fishermen here on the small island May 8 to discuss the best way to keep the channel and harbor open and safe for all vessel traffic that uses the waterway.
  • April

    Corps oversees construction of new battle lab

    Construction is underway to expand the capabilities of a laboratory tasked by the Army to train Soldiers in an ever -changing wartime environment. The Army's Asymmetric Warfare Group battle laboratory celebrated its construction start in a ground-breaking ceremony yesterday on post.