June 1, 2023
The Norfolk District announces the reissuance of Regional Permit 20 that had expired on October 15, 2022. Effective June 1, 2023, this permit supersedes and replaces all previous versions.
Regional Permit 20 (RP-20) authorizes the creation of artificial reefs (oyster and fish haven) and dredging of old shellfish reefs, when the material, dredge shell or structural, will be used to create new or enhance existing natural or artificial reefs owned, operated or managed by the Commonwealth of Virginia by the Virginia Marine Resource Commission (VMRC). The intent of RP-20 is to provide a streamlined permitting process for those activities listed in this paragraph that do not adversely affect general navigation and have only minimal adverse impact to the aquatic environment.
The Norfolk District has reissued this permit for five years. The newly issued Regional Permit can be found on our website at: https://www.nao.usace.army.mil/Missions/Regulatory/RBregional.aspx
As of the date of this public notice, the Norfolk District Corps of Engineers has received water quality certification (WQC) under section 401 of the Clean Water Act and the consistency determination under the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) for RP-20.
If you have any questions about this re-issuance, contact Randy Steffey at 757-2017579 or via email at randy.l.steffey@usace.army.mil.