ARLINGTON, Virginia -- Arlington National Cemetery announces its public release of the draft environmental assessment in support of the cemetery’s southern expansion and associated roadway realignment projects. ANC invites the public to attend an information meeting to ensure its public partners remain fully included in the process.
ANC will host a public information meeting Aug. 22 to explain the draft environmental assessment and facilitate public comment on it. The meeting will be held at the Sheraton Pentagon City Hotel at 900 South Orme Street, Arlington, Virginia, from 5-8 p.m. Additional information on the meeting can be found at
“This is a critical milestone in progress and the important steps our nation is taking to extend the life of Arlington National Cemetery well into the future,” said Karen Durham-Aguilera, executive director, Army National Military Cemeteries. “We are honored that the U.S. public that we serve, continue to positively support our veterans and this important mission given to Arlington National Cemetery.”
The draft environmental assessment evaluates the proposal to increase the cemetery’s contiguous acreage, realign road ways and maximize burial space by utilizing the adjacent, former Navy Annex site located just south of the existing cemetery in Arlington, Virginia.
Arlington National Cemetery has worked with Arlington County, the Virginia Department of Transportation, and the Federal Highway Administration on a roadway realignment that provides maximum contiguous space for cemetery expansion while supporting the short- and long-term transportation system needs of this region.
“We cannot thank our stakeholders enough for the positive engagements that have enabled us to reach this milestone in our planning effort,” said Katharine Kelley, superintendent, Arlington National Cemetery.
Comments on the draft environmental assessment may be provided at the meeting and/or submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, at or by mail to Kathy Perdue, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District, 803 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510, until Sept. 22, 2018.
The website for the project is available at