• July

    Revision of Standard Joint Permit Application

    The Norfolk District Corps of Engineers, Department of Environmental Quality and the Virginia Marine Resources Commission have issued revised versions of the Standard and Tidewater Joint Permit Applications. Changes to the Tidewater JPA include updated webpage links and some minor required information fields.
  • NAO-2012-1419 Rt 58

    The applicant proposes drainage and roadway improvements to the Tri-County and Laurel Fork sections of the U. S. Route 58 corridor. Both sections will be expanded from an existing two-lane configuration to a 4-lane, divided highway with median-separated twin 2-lane pavement in each direction.
  • NAO-2001-4137 Enviva section 10_404_EFH

    The applicant proposes to mechanically dredge material near Paradise Creek and the Southern Branch of the Elizabeth River in Chesapeake, Va., for the purpose of continuing to provide Enviva, a biomass fuels company, the necessary deep water access to export wood chips and pellets.
  • NAO-2011-00652

    The Dickenson County Public Schools proposes to construct a new consolidated school campus and associated components to serve Dickenson County, Virginia as part of the Nonstructural General Plan developed by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Huntington District under Section 202 of the 1981 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act (P.L. 96-367).
  • Reissuance Norfolk District Regional Permit

    The Norfolk District has reissued Regional Permit 20 (RP-20) for the creation of artificial reefs and dredging of old shellfish reefs when the material will be used to create new or enhance old reefs owned, operated or managed by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
  • June

    Repairs complete, Fort Norfolk's pier, wharf resume full operations

    For years, Mother Nature’s fury has steadily eroded the structural integrity of the Fort Norfolk pier and wharf area, seriously degrading its operational effectiveness and jeopardizing its safe operation. That was then.
  • Project’s Future Looks Bright

    The Virginia Port Authority and the Norfolk District signed an agreement reaffirming Craney Island’s Eastward Expansion project.
  • 2012-00931; 12-V0768

    The proposed project is construction of an access road to the northern portion of the site in Goochland County, Va. to facilitate future development. The proposed road will be approximately 2400 linear feet long and as proposed will impact 0.33 acre of forested wetlands and 120 linear feet of stream channel.
  • Clean the Bay Day:

    More than 23 Norfolk District employees and family members participated in Clean the Bay Day June 2, 2012
  • May

    State Programmatic General Permit

    The Norfolk District is announcing the reissuance of the State Programmatic General Permit (SPGP) for Residential, Commercial, Institutional and Linear Transportation Projects. The issuance of the 12-SPGP-01 is to supersede the 07-SPGP-01 effective immediately.
  • NAO-2012-0428 Edgewater Haven Dredging-Norfolk VMRC#12-0281

    The proposed action is to dredge a recreational boat channel to promote safe navigation from the Lafayette River to the Edgewater Haven subdivision.
  • Public invited: FNOD restoration advisory board meets June 7

    The quarterly meeting of the Former Nansemond Ordnance Depot Restoration Advisory Board is 6:15 to 8:15 p.m. June 7.
  • NAO-2012-00616

    Accomack County proposes to repair an 225 linear feet of eroded road embankment of the paved access road leading to Queens Sound public boat ramp by installing a rip rap revetment between the existing upland bank and mean low water.
  • Partnership keeps communication/channel open

    Local, state and federal officials met with commercial fishermen here on the small island May 8 to discuss the best way to keep the channel and harbor open and safe for all vessel traffic that uses the waterway.
  • NAO-2011-0424-National Aeronautics and Space Administration Wallops Flight Facility VMRC#12-0076

    The applicant proposed a 3,000-foot Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) airstrip on the north end of Wallops Island.
  • USACE to honor recreation passes

    USACE announced it will accept the federal recreation pass program's military pass at its more than 2,500 recreation areas nationwide.
  • LVIS eliminates dirty job

    The work of the 633rd Security Forces Squadron at Langley's LaSalle gate was worthy of a nod from the "Dirty Jobs" man himself.
  • 325 participate in 9th annual Paddle for the Border

    The 9th annual Paddle for the Border kicked off May 5, 2012.
  • April

    Corps oversees construction of new battle lab

    Construction is underway to expand the capabilities of a laboratory tasked by the Army to train Soldiers in an ever -changing wartime environment. The Army's Asymmetric Warfare Group battle laboratory celebrated its construction start in a ground-breaking ceremony yesterday on post.
  • ODU's 'smooth sailing' aids in restoring health of Elizabeth River

    Perfect sailing weather awaited the Old Dominion University sailing team, but they chose instead to remain ashore on the banks of the Elizabeth River -- just long enough to celebrate the grand opening of their new sailing pier. Flanked by friends and guests, ODU officials and its project partners, Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the city of Norfolk, cut the ribbon on the new sailing pier water access project and companion Elizabeth River Wetlands Restoration project.