Architect/engineer Firm Information

Standard Forms 254 and 255 are available on the Internet at: Under Standard and Optional Forms, click on Forms by Number, and continue through the listing to the A-E forms.They are in both Adobe Acrobat PDF and FormFlow formats. With either format, the forms can be filled in on the screen and printed out. However, the format of the forms can not be altered. This site also tells how to order the hard copy forms from the Government Printing Office.

Versatile SF 254/255 software packages are available from a variety of vendors, including:

  • Enlightened Software, Inc.
    P.O. Box 940701
    Maitland, FL 32794
    (407) 331-0032
  • Wind-2 Software, Inc.
    Fort Collins, CO
  • Parallel Resource, Inc.
    Auburn, AL
  • Custom Time and Materials Software, Inc.
    Tallahassee, FL
  • A/E Management Services, Inc.
    Ann Arbor, MI

Engineer Pamphlet (EP) 715-1-4, How to Obtain Consideration for Architect-Engineer Contracts with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, dated September 30, 2004, is posted on the Corps’ home page at
The pamphlet describes the Corps’ A-E acquisition procedures, including how primary and secondary selection criteria are applied by preselection and selection boards, debriefings of unsuccessful firms and performance evaluations. It also contains a listing of Internet addresses relevant to A-E Contracting. This EP is very useful information for firms seeking A-E contracts with the Corps.