Project Scope
The project consists of removing critical shoals from the channel to provide safe navigation for shallow draft vessels that are transiting along the eastern side of the Chesapeake Bay into a harbor of refuge at Saxis, Va.
The project will dredge the entrance channel 7 feet deep, 60 feet wide in the Pocomoke Sound to the mouth of Starlings Creek; a turning basin 7 feet deep, 100 feet wide and approximately 1,100 feet long inside the entrance; and a channel 7 feet deep, 60 feet wide connecting the turning basin to the harbor of refuge 7 feet deep, 200 feet wide and 500 feet long.
Initial project efforts will include hydrographic surveys to examine the channel's condition and subsequent analysis to analyze and design potential placement locations. The Norfolk District performed planning, design and data collection and secured environmental permits from state agencies to complete the dredging.
Rivers and Harbor Act of 1935
Harbor of Refuge under the authority of Section 107 of the River and Harbor Act of 14 July 1960
The Town of Saxis is seeking a safe unimpeded navigation channel for commercial vessel use and to provide a safe harbor of refuge for vessels transiting the Chesapeake Bay. The last time this project was dredged was in 2001.
Topographic surveys of placement
May 2013
Hydrographic surveys of channel
August 2013
35% Design of placement area
May 2013
Initiate real estate rights acquisition
May 2013
Sediment sampling investigation
May 2013
Prepare joint permit application
May 2013
Prepare Endangered Species Act Section 7 consultation
May 2013
Prepare essential fish habitat assessment
June 2013
35% design of maintenance dredging
June 2013
Submit JPA for permit action
July 2013
Placement area internal technical review complete
November 2013
Maintenance dredging internal technical review complete
November 2013
Placement area final plans & specifications
December 2013
Maintenance dredging final plans & specifications
December 2013
Receive draft permits for dredging
December 2013
Receive final permits for dredging
January 2014
Placement area contract package compete
April 2014
Placement area contract award
June 2013
Maintenance dredging contact package complete
July 2014
Maintenance dredging contract award
October 2014
Dredging begins
November 2014
Maintenance dredging construction complete
February 2015