Public Notice Distribution List

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Tag: Williamsburg
  • NAO-2008-02691 (Cheatham Annex)

    Expiration date: 6/8/2022

    The project consists of maintenance dredging at the CAD-A Pier slips at U.S. Naval Stations Yorktown Cheatham Annex near Williamsburg, VA. All dredged material will be placed into and transported by bottom dumping scows and disposed of in the Norfolk Ocean Disposal Site (NODS). Please submit public comments by June 8.

  • NAO-2016-00318 / 20-V1934

    Expiration date: 3/6/2021

    The applicant proposes the installation of approximately 4,300 linear feet of living shoreline along the Carter's Grove waterfront, in two separate segments. In total the project is comprised of 12 free-standing, offshore, armor stone breakwaters and 78,000 cubic yards of sand fill to create 108,754 square feet of stable, sandy, intertidal shoreline and 285,595 square feet of vegetated backshore.

  • NAO-2008-01032

    Expiration date: 2/7/2018

    The project is located in the Chickahominy River at the Chickahominy Riverfront Park at 1350 John Tyler Highway in Williamsburg, Virginia. In order to meet an increased demand in potable water in light of State mandated water withdrawal restrictions from the Powhatan Aquifer, James City County proposes to construct an 18 MGD raw water intake, reverse osmosis water treatment plant, utility lines connecting to the existing municipal water supply lines, and associated hyper-salinated water discharge outfall downstream of the intake at the Chickahominy Riverfront Park.

  • NAO-2012-00080/13-V0408

    Expiration date: 12/6/2014

    Dominion Virginia Power continues to propose construction of a new electrical transmission power line and associated infrastructure, known as Surry - Skiffes Creek - Whealton project. We are soliciting comments specific to historic property identification under the Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and Dominion’s November 6, 2014 Surry – Skiffes Creek – Wheatlon 500 kV / 230kV Alternatives Analysis. Comment Period Expires: December 6, 2014

  • NAO-2013-0034

    Expiration date: 3/12/2013

    Henderson, Inc. proposes to construct a 10.5 mile long, 10-foot-wide asphalt trail with 3 feet wide graded shoulders on each side. The purpose of the project is to provide a multi-use trail to provide safe, recreational, multi-modal travel opportunities ultimately linking the City of Richmond and the City of Williamsburg. Comment period ends Mar. 12, 2013.