Tag: safety
  • August

    Corps of Engineers participating in virtual National Safety Stand-Down 2020

    Originally scheduled for May 4-8, the event is rescheduled for Sept. 14 -18. USACE is expanding on OSHA’s efforts to include fall prevention in the workplace to encompass all elements of the USACE mission.
  • Dismal Swamp Canal scheduled to reopen in September

    The Dismal Swamp Canal is scheduled to reopen to vessel traffic by the end of September, with the Lake Drummond Reservation and Feeder Ditch opening to canoes and kayaks on August 18, officials said.
  • May

    It's not too late to prepare

    Time to dust off your preparedness plans and refresh your supplies! Hold on, you say? The latest outlook is “quiet,” -- why should I prepare? The seasonal outlook only provides insight as to the potential number of tropical storms and hurricanes, based upon current atmospheric and ocean conditions. Unfortunately, it only takes one storm to cause horrific destruction.
  • February

    Gathright Dam to conduct a routine, controlled flood release

    The Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will begin a controlled flood release at Gathright Dam near Covington, Va., at 9:00 a.m., today.
  • December

    Final 2013 FNOD Restoration Advisory Board meets Dec. 5

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will host its final 2013 quarterly meeting of the Former Nansemond Ordnance Depot Restoration Advisory Board Dec. 5.
  • March

    Corps responds to emergency dredging in Thimble Shoals federal channel

    NORFOLK – Hazardous shoaling in the Thimble Shoals federal navigation channel launched action between local and federal agencies as they raced to reopen a closed navigation lane. The Virginia Pilots Association alerted the Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, of the hazard on March 13, and within hours, a survey team was mobilized.
  • October

    District one step closer to being accepted into OSHA program

    The Voluntary Protection Program uses performance-based criteria and requires extensive documentation in order to be in compliance. The program uses different models and tools to try and identify problematic areas so agencies can attempt to minimize and eliminate as many accidents as possible.