Tag: NASA Wallops Flight Center
  • July

    Sandy restoration work for NASA’s Wallops Island commences

    Construction work to restore the beach and dunes protecting NASA’s Wallops Island Flight Facility damaged by super storm Sandy began here July 18. Dredges from New Jersey-based Weeks Marine, Inc. are on-site, pumping sand from an off-shore borrow site and placing the sand along the beach restoring berm and dune elevations to levels that will protect NASA and Mid-Atlantic Spaceport infrastructure from strong, storm-generated wave damage from the Atlantic Ocean.
  • February

    N.J. company contracted to rebuild NASA dunes and berms post Sandy

    The Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers awarded a New Jersey-based company a $10.5 million contract to replace sand along NASA’s Wallops Island launch facilities near Chincoteague Va.
  • November

    BOEM, NASA and Corps team up to protect coastal launch assets

    The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management announces an agreement with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District, authorizing the dredging of up to one million cubic yards of sand from the outer continental shelf to restore the shoreline at NASA's Wallops Island Flight Facility in Virginia.
  • August

    Beach complete, infrastructure protected

    More than 3 million cubic yards of newly deposited sand is protecting the launch pads and critical infrastructure at NASA’s flight facility at Wallops Island, Va.