Willoughby Spit & Vicinity Coastal Storm Damage Reduction Project
Aerial view of project area. The Authorized Project consisted of the construction and periodic sand renourishment of a protective beach berm along the entire study area shoreline. Preconstruction Engineering and Design (PED) investigations leading to the construction of the Authorized Project were put on hold from the mid-1990s to the early 2000s due to a shift in local priorities in the study area resulting from the construction of two major Navy dredging/sand placement projects and state funding for the construction of offshore breakwaters. In 2003, Hurricane Isabel brought about a renewed interest in the Authorized Project and with support at the local and Federal levels, PED investigations restarted to include the completion of a limited reevaluation study to determine whether there was continued Federal and local interest in the construction of the Authorized Project or a reformulated project plan.