PORTSMOUTH, Va. -- More than 23 employees and family members from the Norfolk District participated in Clean the Bay Day June 2, 2012. Clean the Bay Day is a statewide initiative organized by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, in conjunction with municipalities, businesses and government agencies working together to restore the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers and streams. Every year since 1989, thousands of citizens throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia have dedicated their time to clear litter from waterways. Norfolk District employees volunteered three hours of their time today to remove debris from the shorelines of the Craney Island Dredged Material Management Area, which is operated and maintained by the district. CIDMMA is a 2,500-acre confined dredged material disposal site on the north side of Portsmouth, Va. It serves as an economical and environmentally sustainable repository for material dredged within the federal waterways of the Hampton Roads harbor.