US Army Corps of Engineers
Norfolk District Website

CAP Section 1135 Sample Letter

Published Jan. 8, 2019


Colonel Patrick V. Kinsman
District Commander
U.S. Army Engineer District, Norfolk
803 Front St
Norfolk, VA 23510

ATTN: Planning Branch

Dear Colonel Kinsman:

In accordance with the provisions of Section 1135 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986, as amended, the (state, city, county, town) is requesting Corps of Engineers assistance in addressing an ecosystem restoration problem at (name and location of the degradation caused by a federal project).

We are fully aware of the following non-Federal requirements associated with projects under the Section 1135 authority.

Feasibility Phase: The first $100,000 is funded by the Federal government.  Costs above $100,000 are shared 50% Federal and 50% non-Federal. 

Design and Implementation Phase: The non-Federal sponsor is responsible for costs of all lands, easements, relocations and disposal areas. If this amount is less than 25% of the total project cost, the non-Federal sponsor must provide either in-kind services or an additional cash contribution to make the total equal 25% of the total project cost. 

We are aware that this letter serves as an expression of non-Federal intent to cooperate on this project and is not a contract obligation.  Either party may discontinue this effort at any point prior to construction.

·         Add any additional information or discussion desired.*


Signed by a Director, Mayor, Town Manager,
or his/her representative