US Army Corps of Engineers
Norfolk District Website

CAP Section 206

Published Aug. 29, 2018

Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration
Section 206 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1996, as amended

Authority and Scope:  Section 206 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1996 authorizes the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to restore degraded aquatic ecosystems.  It must be demonstrated that the proposed project will increase aquatic ecosystem habitat units and is cost-effective. Each project is limited to a Federal cost of $10,000,000, and requires cost sharing from an authorized non-Federal sponsor (see below).   Significant portions of the non-Federal share may be in the form of in-kind services and the provision of lands, easements and rights-of-way.

Project Phases and Funding:  Section 206 projects start with the Feasibility Phase.  Initially the feasibility phase is funded 100% Federally up to a limit of $100,000.  Feasibility phase costs above $100,000 are cost-shared 50% Federal and 50% non-Federal.  After approval of the feasibility report, the project enters the Design and Implementation Phase.   Costs of the Design and Implementation Phase are shared 65% Federal and 35% non-Federal with the non-Federal sponsor given credit for Lands, Easements, Rights of Way and Relocations and some other costs.  Operation, Maintenance, Repair, Rehabilitation and Replacement of the project in the future is at 100% non-Federal cost.

Non-Federal Responsibilities:  Formal assurance of local cooperation must be furnished by a local sponsoring agency. The local sponsor must be a public agency or a non-profit entity which has be given the consent of the affected local government to sponsor the project.  The sponsoring agency must normally agree to:


a.       Provide without cost to the United States all necessary lands, easements, rights-of-way, access routes and relocation of utilities necessary for project construction and subsequent operation and maintenance of the project. Costs associated with these items may be creditable towards the non-Federal cash contribution for the project.

b.       Provide 50% of all feasibility study costs greater than $100,000.

c.        Provide 35% of total project design and implementation costs. 

d.       Provide 100% of costs associated with the operation, maintenance, repair, rehabilitation and replacement of the project.

e.        Maintain and operate the project after completion without cost to the United States.


How to Request Assistance:  A study of a prospective Section 206 proposal will be initiated after receipt of a written request (see sample below), from an authorized sponsoring agency (see Non-Federal Responsibilities above), and provided Federal funds are available.


For Further Information, Contact:


Mr. Dan Hughes
Continuing Authorities Program Manager
Chief, Planning Resources Section
