Tag: VPA
  • July

    District continues commitment to James; issues order to dredge

    As part of the three year, $12 million indefinite delivery/indefinite quality contract with Cottrell Contracting Corporation, the district issued a $3.2 million task order to dredge 475,000 cubic yards of sediment causing shoals in the James River at Dancing Point and Jordan Point on June 17.
  • January

    Corps completes Lynnhaven Inlet dredging; shoaling removed, community beaches renourished

    The Lynnhaven Inlet Federal Navigation Channel is fully navigable, after a $2 million maintenance dredging project removed critical shoaling conditions exacerbated by Hurricane Sandy in 2012.
  • October

    Going big: district tackles oysters, Lynnhaven

    Contractors for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are moving mountains of fossil oyster shell from Craney Island in Portsmouth, Va., to build 16 acres of sanctuary reefs in Elizabeth River and some of its tributaries, while the work to bring environmental restoration on the Lynnhaven River is ongoing.
  • July

    Craney Island’s oyster mitigation project set for summer launch

    Oysters are expanding their real estate in the Elizabeth River and Hoffler Creek this summer, thanks to a USACE, VPA partnership to construct 16 acres of oyster reef, part of the Craney Island Eastward Expansion project.