Arlington National Cemetery Millennium Project

Published Aug. 7, 2018

ARLINGTON, Va. -- Contractors are nearing completion on building a new columbarium, which is a part of Arlington National Cemetery’s Millennium Project; a 27-acre expansion project, which adds nearly 30,000 burial and niche spaces to the cemetery here November 16, 2016. The $64 million project is scheduled to be complete and turned over to the cemetery this winter. (U.S. Army photo/Patrick Bloodgood)
SLIDESHOW | 7 images | Millennium Columbarium
 The Millennium Project increases burial space at Arlington National Cemetery. Building and site elements were constructed to be suitable for the environment and complementary to the architectural theme and historical considerations of Arlington National Cemetery. 

The project included construction of casket burial sections, in-ground sites for ashes of cremated service members, and both columbarium niche courts and niche walls.  The site includes two assembly areas for service participants including Committal Service Shelters. 

Supporting facilities include restrooms, storage areas, water fountains, waterlines, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, underground electrical and communications/information systems, stream restoration, landscaping, retaining walls, perimeter fencing, vehicle and pedestrian access roads and walks, and security systems.

Project Milestones:

  • Construction contract awarded on Sept. 24, 2013 

  • The project is currently in the construction phase.  

  • Construction is expected to be complete in August 2018

Programmed Cost

$81.7 million 


Project Stakeholder

Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington, Virginia 22211

Project Contact

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers logo803 Front Street
Norfolk, VA 23510


Millennium Open House Graphics - March 2013

 An artist rendition of the general design for the Arlington National Cemetery's Millennium Project. The project will add 30,000 additional burial and niche spaces to the cemetery  A graphic overview of the historic resources located within the boundaries of Arlington National Cemetery's Millennium Project. The project will add 30,000 burial and niche spaces to the cemetery. A graphic image of what visual effects the Arlington National Cemetery's Millennium Project will have on surrounding areas. The project will add 30,000 new burial niche spaces to the cemetery.   A graphic showing the environment assessment for the Arlington National Cemetery Millennium Project  
 A graphic overview depicting the trees currently located within the boundaries of Arlington National Cemetery's Millennium Project. The project has 1,804 trees, with 6 inches or greater diameter, located on site; 732 living native trees have been identified for removal.  A graphic overview of the stream restoration that will take place as part of the Arlington National Cemetery's Millennium Project.  A graphic showing the environment assessment for the Arlington National Cemetery Millennium Project  
